
This is the section of the website devoted to news and in-depth analysis on ICT and emerging new technologies. From IoT to robotics, from cybersecurity to Artificial Intelligence, right up to Blockchain…

Large Action Models - LAM - Graphic Concept - Created with GenAI
Agentic AI - graphic concept - Created with Gen AI
Intelligenza Artificiale Quantistica - concept grafico - Cover Tech4Future
Tecnologie per non vedenti - cover Tech4Future
Videogiochi inclusivi e tecnologie che rendono i videogiochi accessibili a persone con disabilità | Credits: Fondazione Asphi
3D rendering that portrays a doctor wearing a white coat, standing in profile, with a tablet in his hands, while observing, in front of him, the diagnostic images of patients projected by large video walls.
© ARTWORK by ILARIAMEROLA | Come artista ha forgiato il concetto di “neural metamorphosis”. “Neural”, per via delle reti neurali, “metamorfosi” per rappresentare un’estetica femminile fortemente legata alla natura.
Image that portrays, in the foreground, two urban traffic monitoring cameras - installed close to a pole, near a city intersection - and, in the background, vehicles moving in both directions, to evoke the application of AI techniques to decision-making processes, including that inherent to video systems for self-flow control.
TPU - Tensor Processing Unit
Image that portrays, in the foreground, a poultry breeding technician inside a chicken coop, while he detects the data collected by some feed meters, evoking the use of IoT and AI techniques for poultry farming.
Image portraying two histopathologists in the laboratory, wearing white coats, protective glasses and gloves, while they analyze some histological images on a screen, acquired using an optical microscope.
Image that portrays, on the left, a pediatrician with a white coat, stethoscope around his neck and a children's book in his hands with, in front, a small patient who stares at him, to evoke the importance of diagnosis, from the very early years of life, autism spectrum disorders.
Image that portrays, on the left, a social robot while, inside a room, it assists a patient sitting at the table, serving her breakfast, to evoke the increasingly high presence of machines capable of interacting with people, especially in the of critical applications such as assistance and rehabilitation therapies, in which it is important that the robots know and respect the social norms of the reference community.
Image showing, on the left, the face of an Asian man in profile, while he observes the screen of a video device equipped with a microphone, on which some images of human faces and accompanying text are visible, to evoke the process of recognition of human emotions by means of emotional artificial intelligence techniques.
The growing need for automation and human-robot interaction in the workplace has led to the rise of cognitive humanoid robots, now being introduced in various industrial sectors.
A close-up image of the social robot Pepper interacting with a woman in a wheelchair, holding her hand, in a hospital setting.

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