Andrea Ballocchi

Member Since: 08/31/2020Articles:28

Journalist specialising in technology, focusing on topics concerning the Internet of Things and emerging technologies that have a significant impact on daily life and the future. In addition to technology, he also covers topics related to environmental sustainability and beyond (construction, architecture, design...).

Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotics
Artificial Intelligence in Research and Development
Robotic Simulator with 2D and 3D Display Systems [credits: BTR Simulators, a spin-off from the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa]

Workplace Safety: Robotic and Immersive Simulators for Secure Training

Written by: Andrea Ballocchi

Date: 18/12/2023

Digital twin in medicine - aortic aneurysm prevention

Digital Twin in Medicine: AI Assists in Aneurysm Diagnosis

Written by: Andrea Ballocchi

Date: 14/12/2023

CO2 Capture and Removal - concept
Regenerative agriculture - renaturalisation
Abandoned Oil Wells - graphic concept
Data Encoding Through Artificial Intelligence
Aquaculture - Technologies for an Age-Old Practice
Software defined vehicles - concept
Strategic Foresight Report 2023
Quantum internet & Research
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